We Just Applied for Our 2025 Mail-In Ballots

You Should Too - It's Easy Online!!!!

My wife and I completed our ONLINE Mail-In Ballot Applications today and it was absolutely easy. It took under 2 minutes (each). All we needed was our valid PA Driver’s License to complete and submit the OnLine Form from the Commonwealth of PA. No Paper. No $.73 Stamps. No delays or time-consuming process. As soon as we submitted our Application, the Commonwealth emailed each of us with the confirmation of receipt. The information is then sent to our Bucks County Board of Elections for processing, and they will send notifications when they begin working on the requests.

The Commonwealth now refers to Mail-In Ballots as “No Excuse Absentee Ballots.” In other words, you don’t need to document why and IF you will not vote in person.

It’s NOT too early to get your 2025 request in process! There is NO LONGER automatic requesting of the MIB with a single, one-time request made in previous years! The laws changed and Courts have ruled that you must re-apply every year to receive your MIB. We each checked the box on the OnLine Application indicating that “I would like to receive mail-in ballots this year and would like to receive annual applications for mail-in ballots each year.” This will ensure that we each automatically receive the Ballot request in the Fall 2025 for the General Election as well as the upcoming Municipal Primary Election on May 20, 2025.

Life gets in the way. Things happen. Using the Mailk-In Ballot in BUCKS COUNTY is safe, secure and easy. You can even vote early using your MIB! And IF you still want to go to the polls and vote in person, simply bring your MIB with you (unfilled) and surrender it to the Judge of Elections at your polling place. It will be invalidated, and you can then vote using a regular ballot supplied to you at the polls.

Want to learn more about how YOU can Be THE Voter? CLICK HERE!