Don’t Miss Your Opportunity to Vote Early
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Deadline Alert: If you plan to vote by absentee or mail-in ballot in the 2024 GENERAL PRIMARY in April, your completed APPLICATION must be received in the County Office by 5:00 PM on 04/16/2024.
Your voted BALLOT must be returned by 8:00 PM on 04/23/2024.
Dont’wait – do it NOW while you are thinking about it!
If we want Republicans to start winning again in PA, we need to step up and put an end to the Democrats’ mail-in monopoly. That requires Republican Voters to Vote By Mail. Sound crazy? Have concerns about Mail-In Ballots? Don’t trust the Mail-In process? Many Republican Voters have concerns about the system. Get over it!
Democrats have nearly a third of their vote totals before the polls open on election day. It’s time for Republicans to do so by exploiting early voting. Democrats have effectively won the Mail-In ballot game. They gain a 5-10% ballot early advantage in nearly every election by tuning out the vote for a full month rather than a single day. We must use the tools that are available to ensure that REPUBLICAN VOTERS exercise their right to vote without having to go to the polls on Election Day.
Here’s Why It’s Important for YOU To APPLY Every Election
Life happens! Something comes up and prevents you from going to the polls on Election Day. Imagine, your work situation demands that you be out of town at the last minute. Your family has an emergency. You get sick and can’t vote on election day. Having the Mail-in Ballot ahead of time allows you to get your vote in… EVERY VOTE COUNTS especially YOURS!
Do it Today, Don’t Delay!

If you don’t want to apply ONLINE for a MAIL-IN BALLOT, you can DOWNLOAD, FILLOUT, PRINT and SUBMIT a PAPER APPLICATION by IN ENGLISH, SPANISH, or TRADITIONAL CHINESE. Regardless of how YOU choose to do it, APPLY TODAY and don’t put it off.
Candidates, Campaigns and the Party Get Benefits Too
The options to use the Mail-In Ballot and cast it early increases the likelihood of victory. Mail-In Ballots and EARLY VOTING increase voter turnout by those who frequently skip voting (“Low Propensity Voters”). It reduces failure to vote by effectively extending the voting period from a single day to an entire month! Candidates and Campaigns can focus more of their attention on those who have not yet voted… yes that information becomes available as your Mail-In Ballot is received.
Early Voting – You Too Can Do It!!
Did you know that with a Mail-In Ballot, you can vote early and you can also do so in-person at your County Election Board (and possibly other locations)? CLICK TO LEARN MORE ABOUT EARLY VOTING!
Mail-In ballots and early voting are safe. You have total chain of custody over your ballot and can track your ballot OnLine through its entire process.