Kamala IS a Communist

An Article by Timmy da C

I got my eyes on YOU!

In this instance, that is helpful because I have roughly the same intellect as most Kamala voters. I do know better because I live with a Conservative Christian family and one of them claims he is not a Republican but actually an “Anti-Communist”. And yes, I am aware that my hair is the same color as President Trump’s – at least up on top of our heads. Well – let’s get into these pieces of Evidence of Kamala Harris’ Stalinist pedigree:

  • Donald J. Harris, Kamala’s purported dad, was a Marxist Economics professor who taught at UC Berkley.
  • Just as Vladmir Lenin used criminals to soften Russian society for Soviet takeover, Kamala actively supports violent criminals. Example – she called on video for her supporters to “chip in” to Minnesota Freedom fund which bailed out 65+ people in a single county accused of violent felonies.
  • She calls for an end to “Cash Bail” and she supports “Defunding the Police”
  • Kamala has called for Price Controls on Consumer Goods. Every Communist Regime that has tried this has experienced “Empty Shelves” at the grocery store. Guess her dad didn’t teach her much about economics… or perhaps he did. Venezuela read his books.
  • Inflation is uniquely due to Kamala and she says it is the “price to pay for democracy”. She cast the deciding vote that allowed the $1.9 Stimulus bill to be passed. She also wants to bring back the “Green New Deal” that will decimate the American Economy and allow China to advance in their goal to become the “Global Hegemon”
  • Kamala will eliminate the Trump tax cuts which will result in a massive tax hike on middle class families. She was the deciding vote on the “Inflation Reduction Act” which decreased the average after tax income for all taxpayers, resulting in a $16.7 Billion tax hike on families earning under $200k.
  • Social Security and Medicare for Illegal Aliens – Guess who pays for that? It’s you – I am a cool cat but I have no income and am provided for by those who love me…not the collective nor the gov’mint
  • Eliminate Private Health Insurance. Well – at least I can go to the vet for free then. Then again, you might be forced to go to the vet too.
  • EQUITY – Numerous Kamala quotes demonstrate that “Equity” is her primary Policy Goal. That is equality of OUTCOME, not equal treatment under the law, nor equal opportunity for all. This is the defining characteristic of all Communist Regimes. Of course it never applies to the elitists in charge. Don’t believe me? Look at Putin in Russia, Maduro in Venezuela, Xi Jinping in China, or any other communist regime. In fact the same could be said about terrorists, like Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran, et al.
  • African-American rights activists in Oakland and Berkeley, influenced the Harris girls critically at a young age. She moved to Canada, another Socialist country with her mother and sister where she graduated Westmount High School in Montreal and Venier College for her first two years.

Yes indeed, Kamala is a communist. Not only is it in her genes, it’s in her name: Commie-la. So easy, even a feline gets it… a very cool cat, not in a hat.